Convert text to image file
Generate online free an image from text (words) you supply. Then download your image file or link to it on our system.
You can have text up to 500 characters; size (width/height): between 10 and 1500 pixels; format: one of several popular formats - GIF, JPEG or PNG; font: the size of your letters in a range from 6pt to 54pt (6 point to 54 point); colors: the forecolor (color of the letters in your text) and backcolor (background color behind the letters).
Your image is below. Right Click (tap and hold on mobile) and use options to save. Change selections above if you would like a new image.
Our generator converts your text online to the graphics image you choose. We will try to remember your choices so when you visit again you do not have to start from scratch. We save your choices in our database and give you a membership number that we store in a cookie. When you visit our site again, we retrieve your member number from the cookie and display your last set of choices. To prevent our database becoming too large, we sometimes purge older member details.